Lisa Torell
other works
Together with Hans Isaksson and Åsa Jungnelius we organised, participated and lead the curatorial work of the interdisciplinary project Residence-in-Nature 2017-2019.
During 2018/2019 Residence-in-Nature was included in Luleå Biennial (17/11-2018-17/2 2019), this year produced by Konstfrämjandet and curated by Emily Fahlén, Asrin Haidari and Thomas Hämén.The Museum of Norrbotten was a collaborating partner to RiN during 2017-2019.
Participants: Johanna Gustafsson Fürst, Esko Männikkö, Markus Vallien, Gustaf Nordenskiöld, Oscar Männikkö and Ingvild Holm.
Silje Figenschou Thoresen was invited to make a permanent work in Lainio. In August 2019 we had an opening celebrating it.
Graphic design: Jonas Williamsson.
Folder in Eng >
Folder in Swe >
Guest [text ]speaker: Lars-Erik Lappalainen
The group consists of photographers, artists, farmers, carpenters, designers, glassblowers, per- formance artists, painters and ceramicists from Tromsø, Luleå, Boden, Månsamåla, Kiruna, Stockholm, Østfold, Gissamåla, Stockholm and Oulo.
Photo + assistance:
Eric Andersson >
Gustaf Nordenskiöld >
Johanna Gustafsson Fürst >
Reviews + info:
Sweden Lappland Air >
Sweden Lappland Air >>
Kuriren >
Konstfrämjandet >
e-flux >
deskgram >
What she Could – She did (1889)
It's never late to give up (year unknown)
A rock that you always spit on gets wet (year unknown)
Come and go, but do not settle (year unknown)
Starting in Lainio, a town in the Jukkasjärvi part of the municipality of Kiruna, Residence-in- Nature has arranged a cross-disciplinary artistic project that invites creators from different backgrounds to work with and in the space during a set period of time. Together, the group will examine questions related to the historical and contemporary significance of winter, darkness, ice and snow, farming traditions, geographical boundaries, and mechanisms of history-making. The project spans the duration of an entire year, interacting and integrating with the seasons and the different conditions they offer. The artistic works in 2018~2019 will be connected to existing formal and informal social structures in Lainio and its surroundings, among them Marttigården’s open-air museum where the town’s inhabitants gather around recurring activities such as making reindeer soup, art workshops, ice drilling competitions and traditional flour grinding. Norrbottens Museum is set in relation to the local context. It is an institution where objects and artefacts, voices and stories are preserved, mapped and represented, where cultural heritage is made accessible and history is written. What happens when activities in Lainio merge with those of the museum, or when artefacts from their collection are moved to Lainio? Following two research visits in June and August of 2018, the third work period of the group will commence during the Luleå Biennial, first opening at Marttigården in Lainio on 10 November, and thereafter on 17 November at Norrbottens Museum in Luleå.
Luleå Biennial >
Konstfrämjandet >
Residence-in-Nature >
Norrbottens Museum >
During the Luleå Biennial we had exhibitions at Norrbottens Museum and at Marttigården in Lainio.
Norrbottens Museum, Luleå >
Marttigården, Lainio >
At Norrbottens Museum, Residence-in-Nature presents 10 newly produced art works:
Esko Männikkö, Endless Farewell (2018)
Johanna Gustafsson Fürst, ABC Book Speaking Machine (2018)
Marcus Vallien, I came to a place at the end of a road, by a river that was neither the beginning nor the end. There I went from house to house, to ask for some potatoes. sometimes I got some, sometimes I got coffee, sometimes I had to leave, but in each house I got a story.of this I made a brew. an autonomous process enclosed in the container. for us to see. Of this I would like to make a kind of concentrate in a sealed bottle to place far out in the woods under a protection of concrete (2018)
Gustaf Nordenskiöld
1:1 Fir in Koskenniska, Kakemono (2018)
1:1 Fir in Kaltiomaa, Kakemono (2018)
1:1 Fir in Lainio, Kakemono (2018)
Oscar Männikkö, On kuin kuinkuoleman kuva / Like the image of death (2018)
Åsa Jungnelius, Landscape Paintings, A study of holes, 2018
Ingvild Holm, Bartramia halleriana, Neckera oligocorpa and Jean Francois Regnard (2018)
Hans Isaksson
Under the Sun (2018)
Gloves #5 (2018)
Lisa Torell, What was seen, could be seen (2018)
Residence-in-Nature was initiated in 2013 by Åsa Jungnelius and has, together with participants, developed into a long-term, contextspecific, flexible art project. The aim is to develop new ways of organising artistic collaborations with municipalities, institutions and local communities.
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